Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 23

Gita 3.23

यदि, हि, अहम्, न, वर्तेयम्, जातु, कर्मणि, अतन्द्रितः,
मम, वत्र्म, अनुवर्तन्ते, मनुष्याः, पार्थ, सर्वशः।।23।।

Gita 3.23

Yadi, hi, aham’, na, varteym’, jaatu, karmni, atandritH,
Mm, vartm, anuvartante, manushyaH, Paarth, sarvashH ||23||

Translation: (Hi) Because (Paarth) O Paarth! (yadi) if (jaatu) ever (aham’) I (atandritH) carefully (karmni) in actions (na) not (varteym’) engage then there can be a lot of damage because (manushyaH) human beings (sarvashH) in all respects (mm) my (vartm) path (anuvartante) follow. (23)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 23

Because O Paarth! If ever I not engage carefully in actions, then there can be a lot of damage because human beings follow my path in all respects.

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