Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 17

Gita 14.17

सत्त्वात्, संजायते, ज्ञानम्, रजसः, लोभः, एव, च
प्रमादमोहौ, तमसः, भवतः, अज्ञानम्, एव, च।।17।।

Gita 14.17

Satvaat’, sanjaayte, gyaanm’, rajasH, lobhH, ev, ch,
Prmaadmohau, tamasH, bhavatH, agyaanm’, ev, ch ||17||

Translation: (Satvaat’) from Satvgun (gyaanm’) knowledge (sanjaayte) arises (ch) and (rajasH) from Rajogun (ev) undoubtedly (lobhH) greed (ch) and (tamasH) from Tamogun (prmaadmohau) wrongdoing and delusion (bhavatH) arise and (agyaanm’) ignorance (ev) also. (17)

Translation: From Satvgun, arises knowledge and from Rajogun undoubtedly greed and from Tamogun arise wrongdoing and delusion and also ignorance.

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