Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 24

Gita 11.24

नभःस्पृृशम्, दीप्तम्, अनेकवर्णम्, व्यात्ताननम्, दीप्तविशालनेत्राम्,
दृष्टवा, हि, त्वाम्, प्रव्यथितान्तरात्मा, धृृतिम्, न, विन्दामि, शमम्, च, विष्णो।।24।।

Gita 11.24

NabhHsprshm’, deeptm’, anekvarnm’, vyaattaananam’,deeptvishaalnetrm’,
Drshtva, hi, tvaam’, prvyathitaantaraatma, dhrtim’, na, vindaami, shamam’, ch, vishno ||24||

Translation: (Hi) because (vishno) O Vishno! (nabhHsprsham’) touching the sky (deeptm’) blazing (anekvarnm’) having many colours and (vyaattaananam’) with wide open mouth and (deeptvishaalnetrm’) with large shining eyes (tvaam’) you (drshtva) seeing (prvyathitaantaraatma) I with fearful inner-self (dhrtim’) composure (ch) and (shamam’) peace (na) not (vindaami) find/feel. (24)

Translation: Because O Vishno! Seeing you touching the sky, blazing, having many colours and with wide open mouth and with large shining eyes, I, with fearful inner-self, am not feeling calm and composed.

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