Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 45

Gita 6.45

प्रयत्नात्, यतमानः, तु, योगी, संशुद्धकिल्बिषः,
अनेकजन्मसंसिद्धः, ततः, याति, पराम्, गतिम्।।45।।

Gita 6.45

Pryatnaat’, yatmaanH, tu, yogi, sanshuddhkilbishH,
AnekjanmsansiddhH, tatH, yaati, paraam’, gatim’, ||45||

Translation: (Tu) on the contrary (yatmaanH) a scripture-based worshipper who has the support of the Supreme God, that abstinent i.e. striving person who has overpowered mind (pryatnaat’) by the effort of true bhakti (anekjanmsansiddhH) by the bhakti earnings of many births (yogi) bhakt/devotee (sanshuddhkilbishH) becoming free from sin (tatH) immediately in that very birth (paraam’, gatim’) supreme salvation (yaati) attains. (45)

Gita 6.45: On the contrary, a scripture-based devotee who has the support of the Supreme God, that abstinent i.e. striving person who has overpowered his mind, by the effort of true bhakti and by the bhakti earnings of many births, becoming sinless immediately attains supreme salvation in that very birth.

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