Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 10

Gita 18.10

न, द्वेष्टि, अकुशलम्, कर्म, कुशले, न, अनुषज्जते,
त्यागी, सत्त्वसमाविष्टः, मेधावी, छिन्नसंशयः।।10।।

Gita 18.10

Na, dweshti, akushlam’, karm, kushle, na, anushajjate,
Tyaagi, sattvsamaavishtH, medhaavi, chhinnsanshayH ||10||

Translation: (Akushlam’) inauspicious (karm) action (na, dweshti) neither hates (kushle) auspicious action (na, anushajjate) nor becomes attached to (sattvsamaavishtH) that person endowed with Satvgun (chhinnsanshayH) free from doubts (medhaavi) intelligent and (tyaagi) a true Tyaagi / renunciant. (10)

Translation: He who neither hates the action which is inauspicious and nor becomes attached to an auspicious action, that person endowed with Satvgun is free from doubts, is intelligent, and a true Tyaagi (renunciant).

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