Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 61

Gita 18.61

ईश्वरः, सर्वभूतानाम्, हृद्देशे, अर्जुन, तिष्ठति,
भ्रामयन्, सर्वभूतानि, यन्त्रारूढानि, मायया।।61।।

Gita 18.61

IishwarH, sarvbhootaanaam’, hrddeshe, Arjun, tishthati,
Bhraamyan’, sarvbhootaani, yantraarudaani, maayya ||61||

Translation: (Arjun) O Arjun! (yantraarudaani) mounted on the body-like machine (sarvbhootaani) all the living beings (iishwarH) the omniscient God (maayya) by His Maya, according to their deeds (bhraamyan’) causing them to revolve (sarvbhootaanaam’) of all the living beings (hrddeshe) in the heart (tishthati) is situated. (61)

Translation: O Arjun! Causing all the living beings, mounted on the body-like machine, to revolve according to their deeds by His Maya, the Omniscient God is situated in the heart of all the living beings.

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